Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Flowers for Tuesday!

Ok, so I thought stalkers were meant to be right weirdos. Like the kind that go through your bins, and hide in bushes and send you ransom notes with letters cut out from newspapers. And I would know, that assumption isn’t from watching thrillers but from working at the club. Even after all we’ve been through, Tone usually makes sure I get to the tube okay, or if it’s too late, he puts me in a taxi. I’ve had a couple of scary encounters in my days there and he needs us back there the next night, not getting kidnapped by some crazy Dexter fan! LOL.

BUT I’ve got a nice stalker! Well, at the moment he’s really nice. I’m hoping he doesn’t turn into some crazy mofo wielding knives etc..

So yea, I went into the café this morning to get my usual caffeine fix, and there’s this HUGE bouquett (sp?!) of flowers on the side. There’s me thinking that it’s one of the waitresses birthdays, until the lady serving picks it up and gives it to me. ‘HEY NIC, SOME GUY LEFT THESE FOR YOU THIS MORNING.’

I’m sorry now, which guy? But she doesn’t know because she wasn’t in for the early shift. So now I have THE BIGGEST bunch of roses I’ve ever seen (bigger, and more expensive than the ones Wing got last week for Valentines – maybe he reads my blog LOL!) I’ve had to move the coffee table magazines because they take up so much room. Well actually, if I’m being honest, I had to buy a bloody vase as well, but I’m not complaining! Haha. Need to get my Miss Marple hat on and try and find out who this guy is! Any reverse stalker tips, much appreciated!

Happy Tuesday.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Ruby's Blues

Urgh. Argh. Grrrr and other such angry, depressing words. For the first time ever, (EVER) I had no date on Valentine’s Day. Never have I felt more lonely since splitting up with Tone, especially as I had to work at the frigging club. I’d been praying that Tone would have the heart to make it my day off, so I could get some take out and go and chill with Mavis, but nope, he put me on sodding Window 1. He must have done it on purpose. To make matters worse, the club was rammed with single, pervy guys wanting some kind of comfort from their Valentine blues. One guy asked to take me out for a drink, and believe me, I was tempted, but club rules are club rules, and I know he’d probably have been a loser/freak/rapist etc.

To top it all off, Wing got THE BIGGEST bouquet of red roses delivered to the club that I have ever seen. They looked like they cost a few days wages! What is it with sickly loved up couples? Why do they have to flaunt their relationships for the entire single world to see? Don’t get me wrong, I loved Valentines when I was with a boyfriend, but generally we just went for a meal and to the movies, we never shoved our 14th Feb affection down single peoples throats.

After work I headed to the late night café nearby. I swear it stays open 24/7 and the same people are always in there! They make a mean fry-up, seriously good apple pie, and the perfect hot chocolate for my wind down trip home from work. So I go in only to be surrounded by MORE single couples, and I SWEAR TO YOU, that one girl said to her boyf ‘My heart starts to deflate when I'm not around you." Ermmmm, maybe you should get some help babe?!
But anyway, I get my hot choc (with marshmallows – I deserved it ok?!) and when the waitress served me, she put my drink down along with a red envelope. Now I’m all for gay marriage and all, but I don’t swing that way, and was a bit confused to say the least. (Although slightly flattered at the same time that I hadn’t escaped without a card) But she must have sensed what I was thinking and said, ‘OH NO, SOME GUY LEFT IT FOR YOU.’ Some guy left it for me? SOME GUY LEFT IT FOR ME?!
I opened it when I was on the tube and all it said was ‘Be mine, Valentine’ with a kiss. At this stage of the day I’m both chuffed to bits and seriously freaked out. Who is my Valentines stalker? And before you ask, it’s not Tone, he’s not that romantic and it wasn’t his handwriting. ARGH I HAVE A (VALENTINES) STALKER! That’s all I need! I feel like I’m in a movie. LOL.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Clean Out

So, since I'm old now I figured I better get my life in order. Because to be frank, it was totally fecked. Financially I mean. Well actually every which way, really. And not in a GOOD way!!!

When I was with Tone he took care of everything money-wise. Probably cos hes well dodgy. He was always going on about tax losses and not putting stuff thru the books but to be honest I never really had a clue what he was on about and didn't care. Mavis, despite being mental, actually is strangely obsessed with money. Every day, several times a day, she gets one of those mini statements from the cash machine and she has this big calculator where she tots everything up constantly. Even doing the weekly shop she'll take it with her, checking everything she puts in the basket adds up to her benefit money. Dunno why she bothers really cos she buys the same things every week, you'd think she'd know how much it comes to by now, but hey ho.

So, yeah: I never had to deal with money. Until the last few weeks.

Funny how stuff creeps up on you. I "get" obvious stuff like food and rent, obvs - besides anything my landlord Mr Spitani (real name!) sounds like hes in the mafia or something, so I always make sure I have it for him in cash when he comes round, haha. He has this small dog that's not even remotely threatening - think its a a chiwawa (spelling??) or something - yet somehow still manages to creep me out, especially cos Mr Spit's always kissing it. Eeeurgh. The dog's got this glint in his eye: "Give the guy his money... bitch." Or maybe I'm imagining it. LOL

And obviously I know you buy stuff, money comes out your account - and that credit cards and store cards aren't REALLY free money. But its so HARD not to buy stuff you want that'll cheer you up, especially when you've had a shit day. And I've been having a lot of shit days recently. WHOOPS.

But the ones that really got me - BLOODY UTILITIES! Did you know those bills come quarterly? Cos I didn't. I got a gas bill and leccy bill on the same day just after Chrimbo and just recently I got a water bill... followed by a sewage bill!!! FFS. I reckon I must owe these companies three trillion pounds. Alright, probably near on £500 (it was a cold winter, alright!). But I haven't got bloody £500. ARGH. Probably shouldn't have let them go red either, LOL. Mavis had been muttering something about payment books and direct debits and what not when I moved into the flat but then she mutters a lot about random stuff. Yes, yes, I should've listened. Sigh.

So there goes my writing course... had saved up £70 towards doing something, but I guess I better call up my companies and offer them a chunk each instead, "good will" Mavis says. Mavis says they work out payment plans with you and stuff, so I guess I'll have to do that. Have cut up my store cards and credit card too. Did you know APR on some cards is as high as 39%??? I didn't even know what APR was!!! I'm such an idiot.

Happy non-debt Tuesday!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

I'm 23!!!!

Owwww. Even typing makes my head hurt. I’ve drunk pints of water, taken those beasty painkillers that Tone left lying around and I still feel like shit.

So Wing came over last night. I haven’t seen her in ages, and suddenly she pops up with a text yesterday morning saying; COMING TO URS LATER. BRINGING WINE, BUYING TAKE OUT. NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER.XX

What is a girl to do?! LOL.

Luckily I’d booked last night off work. I thought I’d end up with Mavis is some late night greasy spoon sobbing to her otherwise. But woohooooo, Wing saves the day. So I had a little mooch round the arse end of the sales and found nothing, so I decided to wander into proper London town and check out the ‘nice’ shops. That didn’t last long either when I stumbled (literally!) into Liberty’s and saw that their diaries (YES, THEIR DIARIES!) are £45!!!

A bus ride, and a cheeky KFC later and I was back at home where Wing was sitting on my doorstep. It was 4pm – naturally we started drinking.

By 7, I was good for anything, but luckily we had the initiative to get some food else I have no idea how I’d be feeling right now.

After dinner Wing whipped out the tequila and some feather boas that she’d brought over ‘as a pulling tool’. And then for some STUPID reason, we started playing Never Have I Ever. Not to make a sweeping generalisation about girls who work in our profession or anything, but playing it with only one other person who a) knows you quite well and b) ALSO WORKS IN A CLUB AS A DANCER makes for a hell of a lot of tequila!

Somehow, and I really don’t remember how, Wing managed to blag us a free taxi ride from my flat to a club. I’m not sure what it involved but I’m sure it was tequila fuelled.

I was having such a great night up until about 1 this morning. The drink really began to kick in and I managed to lose Wing. At first I thought I was being a drunken fool, but then I found her canoodling in the corner of the club with some guy. I THOUGHT IT WAS MEANT TO BE A GIRLS NIGHT FOR MY BIRTHDAY?! So I took it upon myself to pull as well, and not to boast or anything, but usually that isn’t much of a problem. BUT IT WAS LAST NIGHT. Maybe I looked as rough as I felt because only the really leery guys would have anything to do with me. By 2 o’clock I was ready to leave. I was vodkaad to oblivion and couldn’t find a cute guy to dance with. Then I got a text from Wing saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY. GONE BACK TO HIS PLACE. SPEAK TOMORROW.

Oh, well thanx. I tried to call a taxi but miss called Tone by mistake and then felt shit when he called back three times and I rejected them all.

I got up this morning with a killer hangover only to find the place a bomb site after our drinking and that Wing had spilt the tequila all over my kitchen floor. Add to that that the gas meter has run out and I don’t get paid until later means I’m hungover in a cold flat with no hot water. I was going to call in ‘sick’ but if I don’t go to work then I won’t have any heating for another day.