Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Ruby's Blues

Urgh. Argh. Grrrr and other such angry, depressing words. For the first time ever, (EVER) I had no date on Valentine’s Day. Never have I felt more lonely since splitting up with Tone, especially as I had to work at the frigging club. I’d been praying that Tone would have the heart to make it my day off, so I could get some take out and go and chill with Mavis, but nope, he put me on sodding Window 1. He must have done it on purpose. To make matters worse, the club was rammed with single, pervy guys wanting some kind of comfort from their Valentine blues. One guy asked to take me out for a drink, and believe me, I was tempted, but club rules are club rules, and I know he’d probably have been a loser/freak/rapist etc.

To top it all off, Wing got THE BIGGEST bouquet of red roses delivered to the club that I have ever seen. They looked like they cost a few days wages! What is it with sickly loved up couples? Why do they have to flaunt their relationships for the entire single world to see? Don’t get me wrong, I loved Valentines when I was with a boyfriend, but generally we just went for a meal and to the movies, we never shoved our 14th Feb affection down single peoples throats.

After work I headed to the late night café nearby. I swear it stays open 24/7 and the same people are always in there! They make a mean fry-up, seriously good apple pie, and the perfect hot chocolate for my wind down trip home from work. So I go in only to be surrounded by MORE single couples, and I SWEAR TO YOU, that one girl said to her boyf ‘My heart starts to deflate when I'm not around you." Ermmmm, maybe you should get some help babe?!
But anyway, I get my hot choc (with marshmallows – I deserved it ok?!) and when the waitress served me, she put my drink down along with a red envelope. Now I’m all for gay marriage and all, but I don’t swing that way, and was a bit confused to say the least. (Although slightly flattered at the same time that I hadn’t escaped without a card) But she must have sensed what I was thinking and said, ‘OH NO, SOME GUY LEFT IT FOR YOU.’ Some guy left it for me? SOME GUY LEFT IT FOR ME?!
I opened it when I was on the tube and all it said was ‘Be mine, Valentine’ with a kiss. At this stage of the day I’m both chuffed to bits and seriously freaked out. Who is my Valentines stalker? And before you ask, it’s not Tone, he’s not that romantic and it wasn’t his handwriting. ARGH I HAVE A (VALENTINES) STALKER! That’s all I need! I feel like I’m in a movie. LOL.

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