What is that they say at the start of the first Bridget Jones film? Like as soon as one area of your life goes well, another one falls on its arse. I should Google that or somethin but yea, I feel a bit like that at the moment. I’m loving the flat and having space to myself. It’s nice to tidy it a bit and come home knowing that it’ll still be how I left it (Tone not getting trashed ‘with mates’ or Mavis putting my magazines in the microwave lol)
But at the same time, I’ve been getting a bit lonely. I know I get a fair amount of male attention in my line of work, but it’d be nice to have a nice guy around.
Now, as a rule, I’ve found that I attract losers or meanies, so I’ve decided to give Internet dating a go! (My only experience of this is Danny Dyer, yes, Danny Dyer sending me a pm on Facebook!!!!!!)
So I had a look online to see which sites looked good, and there are thousands of the things! Surely if there are so many, it dilutes all the hotties and spreads them around? Some of them seem to have really stupid names too. I mean, e-harmony? Anyway, I managed to find some comparison sites and chose one without a stupid name, but then it takes FOREVER to sign up. I got a bit fed up after page 3 of 7. ‘Tell us more about your job in up to 250 words’ Ermmmm, it won’t take that many. Then it asked me what my style was. ‘Bohemian, Business, Classical, Cool, Ethnic, Rock, Sophisticated, Sporty, Trendy, Other.’ I mean, what do you even put for that?! I put sophisticated, because after all, I do have coffee table magazines now. Then it asked what my best feature is. My best feature? There was a box to tick that said ‘I’d rather not say’ – how kinky is that?! I ticked ‘A sweet spot not on the list’ but then I thought it would be a sure fire way to get the perves interested, so I went with eyes. Classic eh?
So now that I’ve gone through a GCSE in signing myself up to get matched with someone, I just have to sit and wait I think. At least now I know that I’m sophisticated with nice eyes!
How has your week been?
Happy Tuesday.