Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Landlord, Police, Action

Short one today as I'm in-between crisissess (spelling??): the Landlord came round yesterday and started fffin and blindin at me about the state of the flat which is well harsh cos it was a dump when I moved in!!! But apparently theres a been a slow leak from the boiler which I didn't notice cos of the SHEER AMOUNT OF CRAP I crammed into the boiler cupboard.

Most of my stuff there is ruined now but apparently thats not enough for the landlord - he wants to charge me for the boiler too! I told him to sod rite off, besides which I don't even have any money anyway - but apparently I've violated clause 42 or something of my tenancy agreement which says I have to notify him of things going wrong in the flat or I'm liable! I told him the boilers so bloody ancient it's a miracle it hasn't killed me of carbon monoixde poisoning and then he's REALLY be in trouble and up for manslawter (womanslawter!!!) but he was having none of it and said I was a skank and then I might have given him a little smack in the face and then he called police and then I got picked up and taken down the station!!!

And I missed work and Tone got miffed and left no less than 18 messages on my phone but my phone was turned off cos it was in the police evidence locker when I was being questioned and even tho I got released without charge in the end, police came looking for me AGAIN cos Tone reported me MISSING! Apparently I am a "vulnerable person" or some shit cos of me being in care when I was a kid, which is why they checked on me even tho I'm over bloody 18! Then I called Tone and he had a massive go at me and then I started crying and said I'd had a shitty day cos of the landlord... He says he'll beat the landlord up so I have to persuede him NOT to do that... So Tone ends up coming over, picking me and my (undamaged) stuff up, then we trashed my flat to really show him. Now I'm at Tone's. Until I get myself sorted in a new place at least.

What's your week been like, then? Happy Tuesday!

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