Apparently it was Mother’s Day in Kenya at the weekend. One of those weird facts that come up on the MSN homepage when you sign out. I don’t really have a Mother’s Day. I have a Mavis Day instead. Mavis really does deserve a day of her own.
So I decided I would take Mavis out to celebrate Mavis Day. There isn’t a set date for her day, but I quite like June when it’s hot in the evening. I promised I’d take her out as a surprise. It has to be a surprise or else she’d come up with a reason not to go. I tried to take her to ASK a couple of years ago as she likes pizza, but she wouldn’t go because she ‘didn’t want to go to a restaurant that sounded like she was going to be interrogated.’ LOL
So this year I surprised her and found a pretty cool pudding restaurant not too far into town. I can’t get Mavis into central London, for some reason she thinks they’ll never let her back out to Dollis Hill.
Anyway, I’m a chocolate girl so I needed no excuse to go to this pudding parlour place.
When we arrived, Mavis looked pretty excited which was a relief. I had worried that she would walk out. We looked at the menu and having chosen the biggest, most chocolate filled dessert on the menu the waitress came over all dressed up in a cute 50’s dress.
I ordered my chocolate extravaganza and then the waitress asked Mavis what she wanted to eat; ‘Ermm, I think I’ll have the proftiteroles.’
I had to giggle once I’d corrected her, and told the waitress that she did in fact want profiteroles.
You gotta love her, Happy Mother Tuesday Mavis!